
Raspberry NTP Server Atomic Clock

NTP Server for Raspberry Pi and Waveshare e-paper e-ink display



  1. Raspberry Pi (Needs the 40 Pin headers)
  2. Waveshare screen
  3. 16 GB MicroSD card
  4. PSU
  5. An internet connection


Supported displays


  1. Turn on SPI via sudo raspi-config
     Interfacing Options -> SPI
  2. Install dependencies
     sudo apt update
     sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-pil python3-numpy git
     pip3 install RPi.GPIO spidev
  3. Install drivers for your display
    1. If you have a Waveshare display
       git clone https://github.com/waveshare/e-Paper.git ~/e-Paper
       pip3 install ~/e-Paper/RaspberryPi_JetsonNano/python/
  4. Download NTP Atomic Clock
     git clone https://github.com/710052/ntp.git ~/ntp
  5. Run it
     python3 ~/ntp/main.py